Fusion Etiquette


Politely walk up to a dancer and ask, "Would you like to dance?". Everyone is encouraged to ask anyone to dance; however, no one is ever obligated to say yes. 


If you aren't sure if your followers are comfortable in a close embrace, ask them. 


If you accidentally collide with another couple on the dance floor, acknowledge it with a "Sorry.", even if it isn’t your fault. Try to stay aware of your surroundings. 

Physical Discomfort

If your dance partner is hurting you, it is likely unintentional. That person may not have any dance training or might be unaware that they are causing discomfort during the dance. Inform the individual what is uncomfortable before writing them off and never dancing with them again. Asking an instructor to convey tips to that individual is another way to address your concern if you are uncomfortable addressing them yourself. 

Dance Space

Different dances use space differently. If you see a couple dancing in a "slot" or consistently taking up a specific diameter of space, don't invade that space.

Not enough room? Wait for the next song. 


Leave the teaching to practice sessions and classes. Don't give unwanted advice or critique. Using terms like "Do it this way" or "You need to..." are not appropriate on the social dance floor. Social dancing is for fun, not training.

Conversely, it is acceptable to ask for input and to generally communicate about the dance.